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5 Ways To Manage Capital Gains Tax

5 Ways To Manage Capital Gains Tax

Is it possible to truly avoid capital gains tax? If, by avoid, you mean defer and reduce, then the answer is a definite yes. If structured correctly, some capital gains can completely avoid taxes. At some point, the IRS will come looking for their share. When the time comes, there are a few ways to hand over less and, in some cases, none at all. Here are five of them.

Mar 5, 2023

How Are Capital Gains Taxed?

Calculating exactly how your capital gains are taxed is not always so simple. There are many complicated rules and stipulations to keep in mind, and it can get confusing very quickly. We've broken down the taxation of your capital here.

Mar 4, 2023

Can Long-Term Capital Losses Offset Short-Term Capital Gains?

Long-term and short-term capital gains have different tax rates. There are IRS restrictions on how these different gains/losses are matched and offset each other. In this article, we go over the ins and outs of offsetting capital gains and losses.

Mar 3, 2023

Are Capital Gains Distributions Taxed as Ordinary Income?

Investors who buy and sell real estate are likely well versed in capital gains, which are the profits derived from the sale of investment properties that commanded a higher price than your original basis.

Mar 1, 2023

How to Claim Capital Losses In a Tax Return

Anytime you sell an investment for less than you paid to acquire the asset, you’ll generate a capital loss.

Feb 26, 2023

Are Capital Losses Deductible?

Losing money on an investment can be difficult to stomach.

Feb 23, 2023

Can Capital Losses Offset Ordinary Income?

Ordinary income is, quite simply, what you earn from providing products or services to others. The wage or salary your employer pays you falls under the category of ordinary income. Interest income from bonds also falls into this category. If you’re retired and taking withdrawals from your defined contribution plan, that withdrawal is also considered ordinary income.

Feb 10, 2023

Do Capital Losses Reduce Taxable Income?

If you take a loss on a stock, can that loss be used to reduce your taxable income? Reducing taxable income results in a lower tax bill, something most any investor would be interested in. However, there are certain rules around capital losses, and the income from those losses can be applied to. This article will dig into the gritty details of using capital losses to reduce taxable income.

Feb 8, 2023

Do You Have to Report Capital Losses?

Capital losses can help offset other income. This might be income from capital gains or even ordinary income. However, there are certain restrictions to these income offsets. The net capital gain or loss must be calculated as a first step. If the net is a loss, does that require reporting? Is it not like you will be taxed on a loss, right? The answer is more complex than it may first seem.

Feb 6, 2023

What is a Capital Loss and How Does it Work?

We frequently talk about capital gains, including the definition of short- and long-term gains, tax implications, and management strategies. We don’t discuss capital losses as often because no one wants to talk about losing money or value, right? Still, capital losses are part of reality when you invest, and understanding how they work can be helpful in seeking to manage your overall portfolio.

Feb 4, 2023

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Cap Gains Calculator For Investors
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