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Is Painting a Capital Improvement?

Repainting a rental property does more than boost its curb appeal.

Jun 3, 2024

Are Gift Funds Allowed on an Investment Property Purchase?

Are Gift Funds Allowed on an Investment Property Purchase?

You have received a large cash gift, and you plan to buy a real estate investment. However, can gift funds be used for an investment property purchase?

May 26, 2024

Are Multifamily Properties Considered Commercial?

Are Multifamily Properties Considered Commercial?

The definition of a multifamily property is simple, a building that has more than one housing unit. But, are multifamily properties commercial or residential?

May 1, 2024

What are Passive Losses on Rental Property?

What are Passive Losses on Rental Property?

If there is a loss realized on a rental property that generates passive income for the owner, it is considered a passive loss, or a passive activity loss. As the owner of a rental, it is important to understand what passive losses are on a rental property.

Apr 30, 2024

Can You Own Rental Property While on Social Security Disability?

Can You Own Rental Property While on Social Security Disability?

The United States created retirement insurance for its workers with the Social Security Act of 1935, but benefits for disabled individuals took several decades to be included in the program. Finally, in 1956 workers unable to continue with gainful employment became eligible for payments, and Congress added enhancements over the following years.

Apr 13, 2024

Can a Beneficiary Stop the Sale of a Property?

Can a Beneficiary Stop the Sale of a Property?

Here is a fascinating, and all-too-common scenario.

Apr 11, 2024

What Are the Benefits, Cons, and Limitations of Modern Portfolio Theory?

What are the Benefits, Cons, and Limitations of Modern Portfolio Theory?

It’s been said before: There is no risk-free investment. But many investors want to limit investment risk, while hoping to generate a decent return. One attempt to balance investment risk and reward is Modern Portfolio Theory, or MPT. The idea behind MPT is that it is possible to provide investor-targeted returns, by accepting an optimal amount of risk.

Apr 9, 2024

How Does Rental Property Affect Debt to Income Ratio?

How Does Rental Property Affect Debt to Income Ratio?

Debt-to-income (DTI) ratio is a crucial calculation that compares what you earn to what you owe. Lenders (like banks or mortgage companies) use your debt-to-income ratio to decide whether to grant you credit and how much. Lenders often distinguish between borrower front-end and back-end ratios.

Mar 11, 2024

Do Bank Accounts with Beneficiaries Have to Go Through Probate?

Do Bank Accounts with Beneficiaries Have to Go Through Probate?

Adding a beneficiary to an asset account generally avoids probate. This applies to bank accounts. If the owner of a bank account dies, some banks freeze it. What does this mean if there is a beneficiary? Does the account still have to pass through probate?

Mar 5, 2024

How to Calculate Cost Basis for Rental Property

How to Calculate Cost Basis for Rental Property

It is a common misconception that the cost basis for a rental property is the price paid for a property. The cost basis for a rental property is actually the cost of acquiring the property. This is considering not just the price, but also expenses incurred in the sale.

Feb 29, 2024

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