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What is a Trust Fund and How Does it Work?

The phrase "trust fund" invokes a vision of wealth, privilege, and even tax avoidance. However, there are many types of trusts, and they have varied purposes. Indeed, many intend to support the perpetuation of wealth and seek to manage taxes for both the grantor and the beneficiary. The grantor is the individual who establishes the trust, the trustee is the neutral third party responsible for managing and distributing the assets according to the grantor’s instructions, and the beneficiary is the recipient. In some cases, the trustee may also be a beneficiary.

Dec 17, 2022

What is the Average Return on an 80/20 Portfolio?

Every investor wants to pursue earnings while maintaining an acceptable exposure level, but the right balance of risk and reward differs from one person to the next. As an investor, your ability to achieve your goals is affected by your available assets and the amount of risk you can accept in the quest for reward. This calculation is sometimes called your risk tolerance. Your personal risk tolerance indicates how you may react to the ups and downs of particular investment options.

Oct 25, 2022

What is the Average Return on a 75/25 Portfolio?

For investors, crafting a portfolio involves several steps, typically repeated periodically. After all, an investor’s needs and circumstances change, which likely means their approach to investing should also. One of the essential steps is deciding on your asset allocation, which is one of the key determinants of your portfolio composition. It’s up to you to determine the appropriate distribution of your available assets based on your investment goals and risk appetite.

Oct 18, 2022

Why is Goal Setting Important in The Financial Planning Process?

For many people, even sophisticated investors, the concept of financial planning is intimidating. It may seem unnecessary for those with fewer assets, but it's essential for everyone, no matter the size of your portfolio. A successful financial plan is not a static document but is flexible and subject to change as your goals and circumstances change.

Oct 11, 2022

What is The First Step in Financial Planning?

The question of what the first step in financial planning is doesn’t have a simple solution. In fact, Forbes’ Finance Council recently asked a selection of financial experts that very question and came up with a diverse group of responses. Their suggestions included these:

Oct 8, 2022

What Is Replacing The 60/40 Portfolio?

The 60/40 portfolio, also known as the 60/40 asset allocation, has been typically understood in financial planning and investment circles as a method to balance risk while promoting growth. The strategy is that stock investments make up 60%, while bonds make up the remaining portion. With this combination, it’s been thought that stock holdings could grow, over time, while bonds might provide a cushion during economic downturns.

Oct 4, 2022

What is the Average Return of a 60/40 Portfolio?

A 60/40 portfolio traditionally offers a balance of growth opportunities and managing risk. The 60 refers to a sixty percent composition of stocks in the portfolio, balanced by forty percent bonds. The theory is that the stocks would increase reliably over time, allowing the investor to increase their holdings, while the bonds would provide a hedge for the times when the stocks declined. Generally speaking, this strategy has paid off for patient investors, with long-term average returns of nine percent.

Oct 2, 2022

What Is An 80/20 Asset Allocation?

Investment portfolios may rely on more than placing different capital asset types at random into a single financial bucket. When seeking to improve performance, these portfolios may require allocation strategies involving splits between traditional capital assets (like stocks and bonds).

Sep 30, 2022

Why is Budgeting Important for Financial Planning?

Creating an effective financial plan for your future requires that you make a comprehensive budget that takes all of your monthly income and expenses into account. If you want to gain financial security, having a budget can help you achieve your goals in a more structured manner. This article takes a closer look at why budgeting may be important for your financial plan.

Sep 29, 2022

What Is A 75/25 Asset Allocation?

Investment portfolios aren’t just put together from bits and pieces of income-producing assets. Depending on an investor’s goals or objectives, these portfolios are based on asset allocations. Asset allocation describes the process an investor uses to divide capital among different asset classes such as stocks, bonds, and alternative assets. Asset allocation can be useful in diversifying risk and exposure to various investments.

Sep 28, 2022

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