How To Sell Rental Property and Defer Paying Taxes
When you are fortunate and able to sell your rental property for a profit from the initial investment you made in it — it’s also a way for you to let go of landlord responsibilities while accessing liquidity.
How Do You Calculate Capital Gains with a Mortgage?
Most homes have a mortgage when sold. Homeowners can deduct their mortgage interest annually. But how does a mortgage affect capital gains when the home is sold for a profit? This is what we'll dig into today.
What Improvements Are Allowed for Capital Gains Tax?
Capital gains taxes on home sales can be significant. However, with some careful planning and record-keeping, homeowners may be able to reduce their capital gains.
Do Capital Gains Affect Social Security?
Social Security benefits are paid mainly to retired workers, their surviving spouses and minor children, and people who cannot work due to disability. For retirees, the amount of benefits depends on several factors, including their earnings history and age at retirement. Income that workers obtain through investments and other sources outside of wages or self-employment does not affect the eventual benefit.
How Are Capital Gains Taxed If You Move?
Moving to another state can bring logistical, interpersonal, and even financial challenges.