Amarillo, Texas Opportunity Zones

Texas Opportunity Zones

Number Of Census Tracts 58

Number Of QOZs 1

Percent Of Census Tracts 1.72%

Number Of LICS 1

Amarillo lies in the state of Texas which does not tax capital gains. Federal tax provisions regarding the dismissal of deferral of capital gains taxes have no effect at the state or city level.

Out of the 58 census tracts that exist within, or partially within the city of Amarillo 1 have been designated eligible for Qualified Opportunity Fund investment. This represents approximately 1.72% of the census tracts in the city. Of the zones that are eligible, 1 qualify as a low-income community. This means the poverty rate was above 20%, or that the median household income was below 80% of the state or metropolitan area’s median household income.

The remaining zones qualified as contiguous, meaning they were located adjacent to an eligible tract, and the median household income did not exceed 125% of that eligible tract. Amarillo lies in the state of Texas which automatically conforms to the federal tax code as it is amended. Both the city and state have adopted the new Qualified Opportunity Zone provisions. Texas has 628 opportunity zones, which means Amarillo contains 0.16% of the Qualified Opportunity Zones that exist within the state.

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