Durree Barton

Stephen Duree sduree@duree.com
1580 N Logan St # 520
Denver, Colorado 80203
Durree Barton

We Bring a Persuasive Voice to the Important Numbers! Attorneys and their clients credit our investigative analyses, reports, and testimony as significant to the achievement of favorable settlements and trial results. Our Principals each have approximately 45 years of diversified and relevant forensic accounting and litigation consulting experience. Courts and administrative bodies routinely recognize them as experts in numerous business fields including: Lost Profits Analysis, Product & Service Costing, Business Valuation & Economic Losses Based on BV Concepts, Statistical Analysis & Quantification, Accounting & Audit Malpractice & Professional Standards Compliance. Both Duree and Barton have served as Court Appointed Special Masters. Our clients include numerous large and not-so-large corporations, CPA firms, the SEC and PCAOB, other federal and state agencies, and individuals - all having a common need for independent expert investigation, analyses, and evaluation packaged into an understandable persuasive presentation.