1031 Exchange Sioux City, Iowa

Iowa Opportunity Zones

Surrounding metropolitan Area

Sioux City, Iowa is a part of the Sioux City, IA-NE-SD metropolitan area, and contains 9 zip codes, including: 51101, 51111, 51105, 51103, 51104, and 51109.

Sioux City Demographics & Economic Trends

The 2019 average effective rent for Class A, B, and C apartments in the Sioux City, IA metropolitan area was $837, which is 14.34% lower than 2014 average rent. This represents a compounded annual growth rate of 2.72%. 2019 vacancy in Sioux City, IA was 2.10%.

The total population of the city of Sioux City, IA has decreased 0.35% since 2010. As of 2018, the population was 82,396. The median household income of the Sioux City was $53,281, which is 11.63% lower than the national average.

  • metropolitan area Sioux City, IA-NE-SD
  • avg rent $837
  • rent growth 14.34%
  • vacancy 2.10%
  • median income $53,281
  • population (2018) 82,396
  • population growth -0.35%
  • vs. nat'l avg 11.63%
  • zip codes 51101 51102 51103 51104 51105 51106 51108 51109 51111

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