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What Is The Purpose Of A Cy Pres Doctrine?

Written by The Realized Team | Nov 8, 2023

The Cy Pres doctrine is a legal principle crucial in various legal and charitable contexts. It originated from the French phrase "cy pres comme possible," meaning "as near as possible." Still, it has evolved and expanded to serve a variety of purposes. Now, courts use the doctrine when a charitable objective cannot be fulfilled as initially planned. 

The History 

Dating back to medieval England, the Cy Pres doctrine was used to address issues related to the distribution of property and funds in trusts and wills. Where a donor had specific charitable intentions, but the designated charitable purpose was impossible or impossible to fulfill, courts faced a dilemma. The Cy Pres doctrine allowed courts to adjust the terms of the gift to as closely as possible to achieve the donor's original charitable intent.

The Purpose 

The primary purpose of the Cy Pres doctrine is to ensure that the charitable assets, often held in trust, are put to the best possible use when the original charitable purpose is impossible, impracticable, or has become irrelevant. Here are some key objectives of the Cy Pres doctrine:

Preservation of Charitable Intent

Cy Pres allows the courts to preserve the donor's charitable intent, even if the original purpose is no longer achievable. This ensures that the charitable assets are used for a purpose that aligns as closely as possible with the donor's wishes.

Preventing Waste

It helps prevent the wastage of charitable assets. Rather than letting funds sit idly or revert to the donor's estate, Cy Pres ensures that the assets are deployed for a charitable purpose.

Adaptation to Changing Times

As societal needs and circumstances evolve, the Cy Pres doctrine allows for the adaptation of charitable objectives to address contemporary issues better. This ensures that charitable assets remain relevant and impactful.

Fostering Innovation

Cy Pres encourages creativity and innovation in the use of charitable assets. Courts may approve new charitable purposes that align with the donor's original intent but apply to modern challenges.

Modern Applications

The Cy Pres doctrine has applications in various legal and charitable contexts. Some of the contemporary areas where Cy Pres is commonly invoked include:

  • Class Action Settlements: In class action lawsuits, when it's challenging to distribute the entire settlement amount to class members, Cy Pres is used to designate the remaining funds to charitable organizations that align with the class action's subject matter.
  • Charitable Trusts: When the original purpose of a charitable trust becomes impossible to fulfill, the trust may be restructured under the Cy Pres doctrine to benefit a similar charitable purpose.
  • Privacy and Data Breach Cases: In cases where it's challenging to identify and compensate individuals affected by data breaches, the courts may allocate the unclaimed settlement funds to privacy-related charitable causes.
  • Estate Plans: In some instances, when the specific charitable organizations named in a will or trust no longer exist or do not align with the donor's intent, Cy Pres can identify alternative beneficiaries.

Challenges and Controversies

While the Cy Pres doctrine serves an essential purpose, it is not without challenges and controversies. Critics argue that it can be subject to abuse, as courts have discretion in determining the new charitable purpose, and there may be a lack of transparency in the selection of beneficiaries. Striking a balance between respecting a donor's intent and ensuring assets are used effectively can be a complex task.


The Cy Pres doctrine remains a vital legal principle in addressing the evolving needs of charitable giving and legal settlements. Its purpose is to ensure that charitable assets continue to be put to good use, even when the original charitable intent is no longer feasible. By adapting to changing times and circumstances, the Cy Pres doctrine helps maintain the legacy of charitable giving while addressing contemporary challenges, ultimately striving to fulfill the donor's charitable wishes as closely as possible.